Wednesday 13 April 2011

Thee wun daye, wun persone Discwolde Convenfion

A balle of funn for the single persone of modest budget....
As you may have gathered, I was rather dissapointed not to be able to attend the recent Australian Discorld Convention, held in Sydney.... So, this being the case I decided to make my own single person Discworld convention, which can be taylored to your tastes, artistic ability, and cashflow...

Thinges too do wifh the hellp of Hex- (ie internet)
Check out PJSM Prints- the official site of Paul Kidby- If you have a little cash to spare here is one place where you can find plenty to spend it on.
Discworld Enamel Badges
Visit the Discworld Emporium- another place that is fun to browse, and even funner if you have money to spend
Learn more about Thud!
Check out some Discworld fanfiction
Find out which Discworld character you are
Browse the L-space web
Watch Run, Rincewind, Run (Youtube, 17 minutes)

Visit the Watch house
Tour Ankh-Morpork
Discuss the author or his work on the Terry Pratchett message board
Visit the Mended Drum (Yahoo group)
Check out the Snowgum films Troll Bridge page and pledge an amount to help get the film made, if you still have any money left...
(please be aware that while some of these site have not been updated for a while they are still relevent, and heaps of fun)

Other thinges too do iff you have any money left-
Buy a book that you dont yet own
Buy or borrow a Discworld film, online, from a store or a video shop
Stephen Briggs at cmotdibbler usually has some fabulous little things to purchase, such as badges, but the site is currently 'Experiencing Problems with Technology'
Treat youself to a meal

Artistical thinges too do-
Check out all the wonderful fan art on DeviantArt- this one requires no artistic talent whatsoever
Create your own Discworld fan art- it doen't have to be good, just enjoyable
-you can draw, paint, etc in the traditional way, or try something a little different... Why not paint yourself your own Discworld t-shirt? Or get really creative and sew something....
By Man-Eye                                    By merigreenleaf

Make a Discworld paperdoll
Create a Polyvore set- Such as a Going Postal one, using the Mini editor below- (Simply click on the image to create one right here on this blog)

Get your own Mini Editor from Polyvore

Thinges too do wifh more than wun-
Play Cripple Mr Onion
Play Discworld Mafia

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