Monday 11 April 2011

Nullus Anxietas tweets its last tweet...

I present for you enjoyment (and my own) the Final batch of twets from the 3rd Australian Dicworld Convention.... brought to you from Nullus Anxietas in Sydney, these are from last night and this morning, which sometimes merge.... but first- some updates on the auction-
GabrielleJay: @NullusAnxietas3 auction raised over 15000 dollars so far.. Truly amazing!!! Granny and nanny are crying with happiness. #dwoz
molokov_au So I hear that Rob's pjs were auctioned for $1150...he is a little nervous about that.
GabrielleJay: In at the auction.. Hungry... Who can bring me something to eat for 10..10...15..15..20

molokov_au: It's all over bar the partying... or partying at the bar.
NullusAnxietas3: In the bar and singing Rocky Horror at 12.40am. Breakfast with @terryandrob at 7am.
ibid68: OH at #dwoz: I know I had a good time last night, I just don't know who with
'dwauctioneer: Breakfast at #dwoz. They're trying to tell me it's over and I have to go, but I'm having none of it.
MadameBossy: I know now how elephants must feel. 2 years of hard work, but it gave birth to something huge and wonderful. Happy NA3! Here's to NA4!
Rotas:It's cosmic balance. After a fantastic weekend at the @NullusAnxietas3 , I get to the station and the train has been cancelled.
africamuse: on train, rta guard saw hobbo's shirt & said he wished he could've attended #dwoz - so we gave him a badge with rhianna's cool logo!

Edit: Ok, so people are still tweeting, including photos and reviews (eep!), so I may not be able to resist coming back with some more...

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