Wednesday 13 April 2011

Discowrld Paper Toys

Alow me to introduce you, if you haven't come across it already, to the Toy-a-day site....
 garfield-papercraft-toy harry-potter-toy 

Joe Tanka set himself a challenge to make 365 paper box toys... all based on well-known figures...

And what has this to do with the Discworld? you may ask....
Well, I will answer, I felt there was something the world needed, and now present to you Discworld papertoys, in the form of Moist Von Lipwig, Rincewind the Wizzard, and Angua Von Uberwald of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch:
Thes toys are really easy to make, they are simply a net design of about 1cm by 2cm, folded up into a box, with arms stuck through.... feel free to add to the discworld collection..
...and if you do, please let me know....

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