Tuesday 1 November 2011


The Bookseller

Terry Pratchett's Snuff (Doubleday) was narrowly the bestselling book in the UK last week, outselling Martina Cole's 18th novel, The Faithless (Headline), by just 768 copies.
Snuff, which last week became the fastest-selling hardback novel by a British novelist since records began, sold 31,904 copies in its first full week in UK bookshops, while Cole's The Faithless (Headline) scored sales of 31,136 copies in its opening week in stores.

Monday 31 October 2011


The Bookseller

Terry Pratchett’s Snuff (Doubleday) has become one of the fastest-selling novels since records began, shifting 54,687 copies at UK book retail outlets in its three days on sale last week.
Helped by extensive pre-orders and a £5 deal at Tesco, Pratchett's 39th Discworld novel has the biggest opening week sale from a hardback adult-audience novel since Transworld stablemate Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol (Bantam Press) in 2009. Along with Brown, only one other novel has sold more copies in its first week on shelves since records began: Thomas Harris’ Hannibal (Heinemann) sold 58,300 copies in four days after its release in June 1999.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Got your hands on 'Snuff' yet?

(sorry I havent been posting in a while.. exam time was pressing.. and assignment determined to drown me-
Back at it now!)
I'm assuming you know Lady Twatterby...
(also known as MacPye on Tumblr)
Rupert Graves would be the most amazing Sam Vimes (His Grace the Duke of Ankh, Commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch, Blackboard Monitor).

'Allergic to Hollywood'

Saturday 10 September 2011


The final photos are up from our Troll Bridge adventure in New Zealand!  180 production images all in all!

The final day was a mad rush to get our helicopter shots first thing in the morning before the cast and crew had to depart back to Melbourne.  Well worth the effort though - the footage in incredible!
You can find all 180 photos on Flickr here, or Facebook here.


Saturday 20 August 2011

...mimes surrounding me...

There are mimes everywhere...
For some reason they are the object-du-jour in advertising here at the moment...

...and I am so tempted to scrawl 'learn the words' onto the next Telstra ad I see... 

Friday 29 July 2011

Bookworms Marketplace- Witches Abroad review

Well I did my first Discworld book review...
...and it wasn't even here...
Ok, you can scrape your jaw off the ground now and head on over to the blog for Bookworms Marketplace, which has all the latest and greatest in fiction and non-fiction, including ebooks... and my review! (*insert chair-dance of joy here* ...and add guest reviewer to list of distinctions)

...the Pratchett collection from Bookworms can also be found here... and I apreciated the reminder of how much closer to publication Snuff is caused aformentioned chair-dance to go into overdrive....
3 months people. 3 MONTHS!

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Well, I am finally re-reading Witches Abroad, which was the first Discworld novel I ever read, about 5 or 6 years ago... and this is the first time I have read it since then... It's a nice feeling... and rather reassuring that I can kind of remember how it goes.. since I read so many books that a lot of the details get lost in my overstuffed mind... and, after a foray into American Gods, which I am finding somewhat tough going.. I'm finding Witches Abroad to be such fun and easy reading.. I guess that's why this book got me started into the Disc in the first place...
Three cheers for sentimental First Books!

Do you remember yours?

Friday 22 July 2011

Discworld Cross Stitches

Guess What?
If you Lurve Discworld (like me)..
..and you like craft (yep, also me)...

There are...

..dramatic pause...

Discworld Cross Stitch Patterns!!!

(yes.. yes.. the exclamation marks reveal the madness of this blogger)
But, Are these not just made of crafty goodness?

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Latest Snuff Hint

From Facebook-
Wednesday 13th July, only three months from publication of SNUFF we can exclusively reveal that the first five characters to grace it’s pages are:

1. Lord Vetinari
2. Drumknott
3. Commander Sir Samuel Vimes
...4. Sergeant Cheery Littlebottom
5. Captain Carrot


Wednesday 13 July 2011

The Discworld Pages

Here is somewhere you can find more Discworld fannery....

The Discworld Pages states
'it takes the Google's news and blog search feeds for the Discworld and Terry Pratchett, feeds from Yahoo 
and Omgili feeds for Questions and Answers on Terry Pratchett and the Discworld and displays them, Digital Spy for Terry Pratchett TV and film news, Ebay for Discworld auctions, You Tube for Discworld and Terry Pratcehtt videos and Flickr for photos. Plus links to various Discworld and Terry Pratchett sites.'

Saturday 9 July 2011

Discworld Boardgames update!

From The Discworld Monthly-

 Ankh-Morkpork Board Game

Press Release: Ankh Morpork Discworld Boardgame Launch Party

Ankh Morpork needs you! Lord Vetinari is dead, or missing, or
possibly on holiday.  Regardless, there's a chance for the
power-hungry to take control of the city, or complete the plans his
Lordship has been so inconsiderately standing in the way of. Players
take on a hidden role with differing ways to win, and play cards to
place minions, build buildings, control areas, assassinate
inconveniences (other players' minions), gain (or lose!) money and
do whatever is necessary to accomplish their goals.

On Saturday 3rd September, Eclectic games in Reading will be hosting
a Launch Party for Martin Wallace's latest boardgame, Ankh Morpork.
Dripping with Discworld flavour, boasting gorgeous artwork and fun,
compelling gameplay, Ankh Morpork more than lives up to the high
standards associated with both Discworld and Treefrog Games.

Martin Wallace will be here all day to demonstrate the game, explain
the finer points of what the differences between the Thieves Guild,
Fools Guild and Seamstress Guild cards mean from a design point of
view, and will probably deface your copy of the game with his
signature if you ask him politely.

There will be cake, a small prize for the best Discworld fancy
dress, and of course, the game will be available to purchase.

Eclectic Games is open from 10am to 6pm, and is located at 36,
Market Place, Reading, RG1 2DE. Telephone 0118 959 8250. Our website
is www.eclecticgames.co.uk and we can be reached by email via


                              * * * * *

Also set for release this year is another Discworld board game
called Guards! Guards! I was able to have a quick play of this back
in September last year but haven't seen how it has progressed since.

Looks like I have something to put on my birthday list this year!


A new Discworld boardgame based on the novels of Sir Terry Pratchett.
Trouble is Brewing on the mean streets of Ankh-Morpork, and it's time for you to play your part in its story. Be one of seven personalities vying for control of the Discworld's premier city using your cunning and guile to complete your secret agenda. Along the way you'll encounter Wizards, Assassins, Watchmen and Thieves... all of whom will affect your fortunes and continually change the face of this mercantile metropolis.
Whether you're hungry for power, wealth, property or peace, each visit to Ankh-Morpork promises a different player experience. This beautifully aesthetic game immerses the player in Pratchett's most unruly city, bringing Discworld to life at every turn. Featuring 132 individually illustrated cards depicting the city's most beloved and infamous characters, locations and organisations, Ankh-Morpork blends mulitfaceted gameplay with rich visual stylings and the distinctive humour of Terry Pratchett's Discworld series.
Up to four players can assign minions to carry out their dirty work, playing on a stunning map of the city, but beware of random magic and nefarious actions dealt by your cards and opponents that threaten to thwart your rise to the top.
Bought to you by internationally renowned games designer Martin Wallace and a dedicated team of artists overseen by the Discworld Emporium. Ankh-Morpork is due for release early September 2011.
For more information visit: http://www.treefroggames.com/ankh-morpork or contact: <Martin@treefroggames.com>

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Discworld Monthly

My last post included information from the Discworld Monthly, an incredibly valuable resource for the very latest in DIscworld news.... the most recent Newsletter includes news from TP, about groups and productions that are happening, ads, readers letters, reviews and a competition in which you could win some luggage lables from the Discworld Emporium...
Discworld Luggage Labels...There is also a box on the left of this blog where you can subsribe to the DM....

Saturday 25 June 2011

The Watch Movie

From the Discworld Monthly-

Terry Pratchett's 'The Watch'
11 March 2011:
Sir Terry Pratchett and Rod Brown, Managing Director of Prime Focus Productions, announce that they have come to an agreement for the unprecedented and exclusive worldwide television rights to create brand new storylines for the iconic characters of Pratchett's phenomenally successful Discworld series.
Terry's universal success has seen him create one of the leading fantasy fiction franchises of all time, with 70 million worldwide sales of his 38 book Discworld titles (with a 39th being published in October 2011). Whilst there have been three successful mini series adaptations of his Discworld books made for television in the UK, this is the first time that Pratchett has granted a production company the international rights to his character's and world, for the creation of new stories exclusively for a television audience.
The main focus of the series will be set in the bustling, highly mercantile, largely untrustworthy and always vibrant city of Ankh Morpork and will follow the day-to-day activities of the men, women, trolls, dwarves, vampires and several other species who daily pound its ancient cobbles (and, of course, Igor in the forensics department). Terry commonly refers to the City Watch police force series "the jewels in his Discworld Crown". These richly developed and highly compelling characters will feature in a 'crime of the week' episodic storyline. As each weekly adventure unfolds, viewers will be taken on a ride through Pratchett's genius imagination, with the author overseeing the creation of the series, where wild and exciting encounters with werewolves, dragons, dwarfs, trolls and golems and the classic heroes and villains, are an everyday occurrence... many of whom even make outstanding crime fighters!
Rod Brown, Managing Director of Prime Focus Productions said, "I believe that the globally successful Discworld franchise will readily translate to the small screen in the form of a high-end, mass appeal weekly drama series. It will give the audience the anticipation and excitement of brand new Discworld stories every week through the medium of television, rather than books. It's a huge responsibility to get this right for Terry, his legions of Discworld fans and the new followers to his work that we will attract along the way, but I believe they will be in for a treat with a high calibre writing team already attached, including 'Monty Python's' Terry Jones and Gavin Scott (Small Soldiers, The Borrowers). We have already spoken to a number of international broadcasters who have shown early interest and we hope to move forward very quickly to bring this exciting project to fruition".
Sir Terry Pratchett said, "I'm very excited! I really am incredibly happy about this because Rod was part head of the team that produced the very successful Sky One adaptations and my message of encouragement to him now is; don't bugger it up!"

Monday 20 June 2011

Snuff Hints continued... this month- a Footnote

* It was all a mystery to Vimes, who was absolutely sure that it was impossible to tell the difference between a chicken fart and a turkey fart, but there were those who professed to be able to do so, and he was glad that such people had chosen this outlet for their puzzling inclinations rather than, for example, fill their sink with human skulls, collected in the high street.

Sunday 5 June 2011

Winners of 'Anywhere but here, Anywhen but now' award announced....

From The Guardian

Terry Pratchett reveals winners of his debut writers' award

First Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now prize divided between two first-time novelists

Terry Pratchett with the winners of the Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now award
Terry Pratchett with the winners of the Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now award, Michael Logan (left) and David Logan.
Terry Pratchett has chosen a story of sex-crazed zombie cows and an Iain Banks-esque coming-of-age novel as the joint winners of his inaugural Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now prize.

The £20,000 award for previously unpublished novelists was looking for "stories set on Earth, although it may be an Earth that might have been, or might yet be, one that has gone down a different leg of the famous trousers of time", according to the Discworld author. "The possibilities are literally endless, but remember, it's all on Earth. Maybe the continents will be different and the climate unfamiliar, but the physics will be the same as ours. What goes up must come down, ants are ant-sized because if they were any bigger their legs wouldn't carry them. In short, the story must be theoretically possible on some version of the past, present or future of a planet Earth."

More than 500 writers submitted entries, with Michael Logan and David Logan (no relation) chosen as the joint winners from a shortlist of six "after hours of debate" yesterday evening. Both will receive a publishing contract from Pratchett's publisher Transworld, with the prize money to be split.

"It was a long deliberation and although to some it might seem a cop-out to split a prize, we decided that since the existence of the prize was to find new talent then this was the happiest decision to make," said Pratchett, who judged the prize with Tony Robinson and experts from Transworld and Waterstone's. "[David Logan's] Half Sick of Shadows and [Michael Logan's] Apocalypse Cow both stood out in their different ways and I wish their creators the best of luck in their writing careers."

Half Sick of Shadows is "a darkly atmospheric, richly written coming-of-age novel in the spirit of Iain Banks's The Wasp Factory", said Transworld, while Apocalypse Cow is the story of a group of social misfits thrown together after the government accidentally unleashes an experimental bioweapon, "with peculiar repercussions for Britain's farm animals".

"Ever since I wrote my first short story at the age of eight, it has been my dream to become an author – although the idea for a novel about sex-crazed zombie cows did come a little later," said Michael Logan, who lives in Kenya but was born in Scotland. "The full impact of attaining a lifelong goal has yet to fully sink in. I'm sure it will hit me on the way home, when I will bemuse all around me by performing a victorious knee-slide across the concourse at Gatwick."

David Logan said he felt "very lucky" to win the prize. "I am disappointed for the runners-up. The difference between winning and losing is a hair's breadth," said the writer, who lives in Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland.

Monday 23 May 2011

'Real' Discworld stamps...

The British Royal Mail has released a set of Magical Realms stamps, which include Narnia, Harry Potter and King Arther... as well as .... Rincewind and Nanny Ogg!
Magical Realms 2 x 1st Rincewind & Nanny Ogg
The illustrations are by Howard Swindell, and you can find the complete Magical Realms collection here.

Thursday 19 May 2011

More Troll Bridgieness

Ramtopsman is the Youtube go-to man for all things Discworld, including movie updates, radio plays and television series.. and a new Troll Bridge trailer-

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Presenting Pratchett Polyvorisations...

I present you with a selection of my Polyvore Discworld sets.. I am currently working on a comprehensive collections of all the Discworld/ Pratchett themed sets on Polyvore....

Saturday 14 May 2011

New Snuff snippit revealed...

New snippit below-

'Friday 13th May, five months until the publication of SNUFF and we can reveal the following five characters, new to the Discworld from the book! Stop reading now if you dont want to know!
(in no particular order)

1. Felicity Beedle
2. Ted Flutter
......3. Jethro Jefferson
4. Bewilderforce Gumption
5. Tears of the Mushroom'

...and you can now pre-order your copy....

Have your say...

Be sure to vote in the Poll on the sidebar ====>

Troll Bridge trailer

I mentioned in Thee Wun Daye, Wun Persone Discworlde Convenfion post how you could contribute to the funding of the newest Discworld adaption, Troll Bridge, by Snowgum Films....
...well, here is the teaser trailer for said project...

Sunday 8 May 2011

Divine Discworld Cake

You may have seen the fabulous Discworld-shaped wedding cake before, but have you seen this one?
A Tiffany Aching themed wedding cake- does it get much cooler?
Made by Frances C.

Terry Pratchett Fans

Check out the Feegle and snowflake cutouts around the top tier...
...and the ones supporting the 2nd tier, which represents the Chalk.... 
Besides the main cake is a bottle of sheep liniment, a block of butter,a packet of Jolly Sailor tobacco, 'Diseases of the Sheep' and a selection of Soft Nellies
Terry Pratchett Fans
I first came across this one at the Cakewrecks site

Friday 6 May 2011

Discworld bookmarks

I dunno about you, but, while I love to draw, I hardly ever have the patience to finish a whole drawing, so I present to you the solution-

Bookmarks- mini drawing, that means you don't have a bunch half finished, and they're practical too.

So I now have something to mark my books with besides scraps of paper, tissues and old train tickets... mind you I still have a stack of half finished ones....

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Snuff Blurb

You may have seen it already, or you may not, but here is the official blurb for the forthcoming novel, Snuff-

According to the writer of the best selling crime novel ever to have been published in the city of Ankh-Morpork, it is a truth universally acknowledged that a policeman taking a holiday would barely have had time to open his suitcase before he finds his first corpse.

And Commander Sam Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch is on holiday in the pleasant and innocent countryside, but not for him a mere body in the wardrobe, but many, many bodies and an ancient crime more terrible than murder.

He is out of his jurisdiction, out of his depth, out of bacon sandwiches, occasionally snookered and occasionally out of his mind, but not out of guile.  Where there is a crime there must be a finding, there must be a chase and there must be a punishment.

They say that in the end all sins are forgiven.

But not quite all…

Saturday 30 April 2011

Happy Birthday Sir Pterry!

Happy 63rd Birthday to Sir TErry Pratchett for the 28th of April.

The Age has Terry Pratchett Live in conversation about his life and work

Friday 29 April 2011

More Crafty bits from Crafty people...

From Discworld Themed swaps at Craftster.org


Hedgehog is apparently direct from Nanny Oggs song and in full, the bangle(obviously)says- I ate'nt dead


a 'laundered and disinfected' handkerchief- formerly belonging to Nobby

Thursday 21 April 2011

More from the Hub to Rim....

I showed you the fabulous Unseen University Survival Kit from the Discworld-Hub to Rim swap in 2009, well here is some further fabulousness from the same swap-