Saturday 9 July 2011

Discworld Boardgames update!

From The Discworld Monthly-

 Ankh-Morkpork Board Game

Press Release: Ankh Morpork Discworld Boardgame Launch Party

Ankh Morpork needs you! Lord Vetinari is dead, or missing, or
possibly on holiday.  Regardless, there's a chance for the
power-hungry to take control of the city, or complete the plans his
Lordship has been so inconsiderately standing in the way of. Players
take on a hidden role with differing ways to win, and play cards to
place minions, build buildings, control areas, assassinate
inconveniences (other players' minions), gain (or lose!) money and
do whatever is necessary to accomplish their goals.

On Saturday 3rd September, Eclectic games in Reading will be hosting
a Launch Party for Martin Wallace's latest boardgame, Ankh Morpork.
Dripping with Discworld flavour, boasting gorgeous artwork and fun,
compelling gameplay, Ankh Morpork more than lives up to the high
standards associated with both Discworld and Treefrog Games.

Martin Wallace will be here all day to demonstrate the game, explain
the finer points of what the differences between the Thieves Guild,
Fools Guild and Seamstress Guild cards mean from a design point of
view, and will probably deface your copy of the game with his
signature if you ask him politely.

There will be cake, a small prize for the best Discworld fancy
dress, and of course, the game will be available to purchase.

Eclectic Games is open from 10am to 6pm, and is located at 36,
Market Place, Reading, RG1 2DE. Telephone 0118 959 8250. Our website
is and we can be reached by email via

                              * * * * *

Also set for release this year is another Discworld board game
called Guards! Guards! I was able to have a quick play of this back
in September last year but haven't seen how it has progressed since.

Looks like I have something to put on my birthday list this year!

A new Discworld boardgame based on the novels of Sir Terry Pratchett.
Trouble is Brewing on the mean streets of Ankh-Morpork, and it's time for you to play your part in its story. Be one of seven personalities vying for control of the Discworld's premier city using your cunning and guile to complete your secret agenda. Along the way you'll encounter Wizards, Assassins, Watchmen and Thieves... all of whom will affect your fortunes and continually change the face of this mercantile metropolis.
Whether you're hungry for power, wealth, property or peace, each visit to Ankh-Morpork promises a different player experience. This beautifully aesthetic game immerses the player in Pratchett's most unruly city, bringing Discworld to life at every turn. Featuring 132 individually illustrated cards depicting the city's most beloved and infamous characters, locations and organisations, Ankh-Morpork blends mulitfaceted gameplay with rich visual stylings and the distinctive humour of Terry Pratchett's Discworld series.
Up to four players can assign minions to carry out their dirty work, playing on a stunning map of the city, but beware of random magic and nefarious actions dealt by your cards and opponents that threaten to thwart your rise to the top.
Bought to you by internationally renowned games designer Martin Wallace and a dedicated team of artists overseen by the Discworld Emporium. Ankh-Morpork is due for release early September 2011.
For more information visit: or contact: <>

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